Village Panchayat Shiroda
The Village Panchayat of SHIRODA is situated in the PondaTaluka of South
Goa District It has a population of 14041, with 6521 males and 7520 female
population. The Panchayat consists of 11 wards and has 11 elected
representatives. (Male 07, Female 04). Shiroda Village have 7 High School, 7
Govt Primary School, 11 Anganwadi.
There is Two SHC centre. The distance between the PHC and the Panchayat is
1 Km, the distance between the main hospital (ID) and the Panchayat is 12
Kms. The major source of income for the Panchayat is the house tax, Light
Tax, Profession Tax, fees and other Grants.
No of wards
Work Done